Tuesday, October 7, 2008

disassociation and reconnection

The state-regulating emotional experience mostly occurs in the preconcious mind mainly because the temporal sulcus (amydala) is not well connected to the orbitofrontal lobes. It means that the emotional response is not well connected to the executive function of the brain, and therefore, the brain is not able to control much about the emotional responses (such as depression and anger). This is mainly due to the fact the obitofrontal lobes of human being have evolved recently whereas the temporal lobes have been there since a long time.

The recent evolution of the emotional brain have started to integrate ideas and thoughts, and thus form 'empathy', a form of intelligent that a person able to understand how others' feel. A person with understanding of empathy usually has a superior skills in critical human functions such as social adjustments, control of moods, drive, and responsibilities, and all these factors are crucial in shaping the personality of an individual (Cavada & Schultz, 2000, p.205).

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